Stressless® Buckingham/Windsor
(Buckingham uses the Mayfair Large seat. Windsor uses the Mayfair Medium)






Wood Options

Size Options

Recliner Customization



![mayfair seeting ProEXR File Description
cameraAperture (float): 36.000004
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cameraNearClip (float): 1512.241089
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cameraTargetDistance (float): 3391.074463
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A (half)
B (half)
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DiffuseFilter.G (half)
DiffuseFilter.R (half)
G (half)
MM_1-3.B (half)
MM_1-3.G (half)
MM_1-3.R (half)
MM_10-12.B (half)
MM_10-12.G (half)
MM_10-12.R (half)
MM_4-6.B (half)
MM_4-6.G (half)
MM_4-6.R (half)
Gentle curves, padded arms and a supple seat, this sofa is as sleek as the name implies. The Stressless Buckingham offers an invitation to pure relaxation in a classic design with details in wood. Individually reclining seats, available in both high and low back, ensuring maximum support for the entire body.
Visit our Stressless specialist at any location!
Keep in contact with us to receive exclusive offers!
Fresno Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Bakersfield, Stockton & Visalia Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Have a Question? Give us a call!
Bakersfield 661-846-7500 | Fresno 559-226-7500 | Stockton 209-720-7500 | Visalia 559-739-7500