Compression > Jobst
What is Gradient Compression?
Gradient compression has the greatest pressure at their base, and reduces pressure as the compression garment goes up the arm or leg. This helps encourage the movement of fluids, whether its blood circulation or lymph fluid circulation. The gentle pressure helps blood vessels and lymph vessels absorb fluids more easily, providing relief for tissues and reducing swelling.
Why Use Compression?
Gradient compression are one of the most effective ways to manage the swelling caused by lymphedema and venous disorders. JOBST compression garments help relieve pain and reduce swelling by preventing accumulation of swelling and helping counteract the tendency of the body to swell.
Stopping fluid build up also helps reduce your risk of infection and helps encourage fluid flow back to your heart. Gradient compression not only helps relieve symptoms, but can also help reduce risk of further complications.

With the largest selection of onhand compression, we have something for everyone.

Get measured at The Bone Store today and enjoy the best service, selection, and price!

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Fresno Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Bakersfield, Stockton & Visalia Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Have a Question? Give us a call!
Bakersfield 661-846-7500 | Fresno 559-226-7500 | Stockton 209-720-7500 | Visalia 559-739-7500