Stressless® Arion






Leg Design

Steel Options

Wood Options

Arm Design

Size Options

Recliner Customization


Arm Design

Leg Design



![Stressless_Arion19-A10_MC23HighLow_Pal-Sand_BrownPreviewlarge ProEXR File Description
cameraAperture (float): 36.000000
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cameraNearClip (float): 3083.183838
cameraNearRange (float): 0.000000
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 200.000000
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vrayInfo/date (string): "09-09-2019"
All the comfort you would expect in a dramatic silhouette, ample proportions and a timeless design. The modular Stressless Arion 19 A10 sofa is among the most versatile models in our collection. Individual reclining seats, low and high back – and adjustable headrest option on the high back equals superior support and unrivaled comfort.
With its clean-cut and hidden seams, Stressless Arion19 A20 blends into almost any home design. It has somewhat firmer, but still soft and inviting pillows that ensure optimal sitting comfort. The sofa comes in a high-back and a low-back version, naturally with individually adjustable seats to fit your personal requirements. The high-back version also offers a height-adjustable headrest.
Visit our Stressless specialist at any location!
Keep in contact with us to receive exclusive offers!
Fresno Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Bakersfield, Stockton & Visalia Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Have a Question? Give us a call!
Bakersfield 661-846-7500 | Fresno 559-226-7500 | Stockton 209-720-7500 | Visalia 559-739-7500