The Bone Store Logo


Stockton Stressless Showroom

The Bone Store Stockton Stressless Showroom
Stockton Store2

312 Lincoln Center, Stockton, CA 95207

Phone: (209) 720-7500

We are located in the Lincoln Shopping Center, on the North side, off of Pacific Ave. We are the North-most building, right next to Bud's Seafood restaurant. 


Best of San Joaquin 2019 Award

2019 Voted Best:

  • Medical Supply Store

Best of San Joaquin 2020 Award2020 Voted Best:

  • Medical Supply Store
  • Specialty Store

Stressless Online Design Studio

Build Stressless Mayfair Stockton-01

You're at the creative helm in the journey to your perfect sofa or recliner seating!

Explore the different possibilities and send yourself your favorite designs. Bring in your designs to see samples of the models, base styles, leathers, and woods!

Keep in contact with us to receive exclusive offers!

Fresno Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday

Bakersfield, Stockton & Visalia Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday

Have a Question? Give us a call!

Bakersfield 661-846-7500 | Fresno  559-226-7500 | Stockton 209-720-7500 | Visalia 559-739-7500