Miscellaneous Mobility Aids for Effortless Movement
Didn't find what you were looking for? Here are a few other items that we carry!
- Silicone Sheeting for Scar Reduction
- PenAgain - ergonomic pens for arthritis sufferers
- Twist-n-Write Pencils - ergonomic pencils for children and arthritis sufferers
- Sergio Lub Copper/Magnetic Bracelets
- Blood-Pressure Monitors for the Wrist
Still don't see what you are looking for listed? Give us a call - we might just have it!
Keep in contact with us to receive more exclusive offers!
Fresno Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Bakersfield, Stockton & Visalia Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm | Saturday 10am to 5pm | Closed Sunday
Have a Question? Give us a call!
Bakersfield 661-846-7500 | Fresno 559-226-7500 | Stockton 209-720-7500 | Visalia 559-739-7500